Saturday, March 20, 2010

Reminder to me and you

When you feel like your life falls apart - god is testing you
When you're on top of your game - god is helping you
When you've done something bad - seek for forgiveness, for god is oft-forgiving and most merciful

God is always there. We might forgot about that in the midst of superhecticcrazystudentlife, take a moment and be grateful for what we have. All this things that we have can be taken away any minute. Imagine living without it. A simple thing like a finger can be broken anytime. It seems like the people nowadays forget the purpose of this life. Life is short might as well put it in good use for the hereafter are eternity.

Say alhamdulillah when something good has happened or masyaAllah when you see something wonderful.With this little habit, at least you will remember god in whatever you do.

A good advice i got from youtube the other day was don't practice your religion because of your family, culture or the society. Learn and comprehend the religion and find the right path for you. I'm not here to preach but it saddens me to see people around me get lost in this world. We don't have much time left and i pray for anyone who reads my blog to find the right path. InsyaAllah

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