Monday, May 10, 2010

tomorrow will be a better day

i feel like a dead is awkward yet fulfilling. i don't look forward to go to work becauseee some drama happened. why do i always have to go through this shit. every where i go, THIS will always happen and the ending will always always always be messy.

btw lunch was great ;) and shepah's driving skill has improved TREMENDOUSLY although nya still drive super slow until the car almost stop when we were driving up the bridge...hahah and she almost knocked a motorcycle because he was driving too slow. tp nya boleh jak ngelak sebenarnya tp ak sik paham kenak nya mok emergency break dkat gila babi dgn moto ya. oh well..that's shepah...

the rest of the day was crap and the only thing i learn today is how the smth2 level equipment works. LAME!

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