Sunday, December 26, 2010

wedding preparation- episode 1

It's not going be fine..EVERYTHING'S going to be fine. i keep on chanting those words since forever. this post is going to be rojak because that is how the state of my mind is at the moment. saya sangat pening dan risau dan nervous dan rasa ingin menghentak kepala ke dinding. omg! i knew all along that it's going to be a lot of work and things that i need to take care of but i never thought that everything needs my attention at one time. Byk benda saya perlu fikir dan bapa saya ingin jawapan secara cepat kalau dapat. (my dad wants the answer ASAP!) okay my BM SUCKS..screw you!

Here are the things that needs my attention:

1. Pintu
2. Bed+dressing table+side tables
3. Work station for my room (table+chair)
4. Reading corner (standing lamp and nice single seated sofa)
5. Mirror
7. Wedding dress
8. Invitation cards

As you can see, my top priority is ze DOOR instead of my wedding dress. I know it's weird and i can say that i haven't seen any bride to care about their door more than their wedding dress but that is what i have to do because the high minister wants to know what type of door do i want if i'm going to change it. So today, i'll be going to the hardware store to find the perfect door for my room.

Anyone wants to be my driver? just give me a call aite..

I've been in kuching for about a week already and i'm already feeling like i'm living in a bubble. There are so many things that i am not puas hati about and below are some of them.

I am SO FRUSTRATED with the shops in kuching! i have so many great ideas on what type of bed and side tables that i want but NOTHING came anywhere close. Everything is so typical and the same! It's like they came from the same factory but only have different names. I mean what's up with SWAROVSKI(i don't even care if i spell it wrongly!) people! Are you guys trying to be hugh heffner?? When i went to lorenzo, my jaw DROPPED when i look at those hidious beds. It looked cheap and FUGLY..period! please pray that i'll find a shop that won't sell those stereotypical stuff.*finger crossed*



  1. omg finaaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~!!!!I really hope I can be your driver and jadi your assistant for your wedding preparation!!! Gosh, I AM SO HAPPY AND NERVOUS for you, Hurray!! My best friend is going to kahwin soon!!! wuaaaaahhhh~~~ u dont forget to invite me taw!! I die die also will go dont worry! I P.R.O.M.I.S.E.!!!!

  2. I AM SO HAPPY FOR MYSELF TOO!!haahahah..i will definitely send u the invitation card!! You and pritti MUST come this timeeee
