Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Gay Pride or Weight Loss Programme?

I am having the worst food poisoning ever in my life. It's been going on since monday morning and up until today(tuesday) i'm still having the diarhea (don't give a crap if i spell it wrongly). i vomitted like 8 times and went to the toilet maybe more than 50 times(no kidding!)

i am missing the bf so badly. i miss being able to hang out with him whenever and wherever i want to. i know i might sound ungrateful to some people because most people will say how lucky i am to have such a loyal bf who would shower me with gifts(to be exact luxurious food..hahha) but i really miss the time when things are more simple. i miss the time when we used the UPM bus just to go around the campus so that we can sneakily hold hands under the jacket.

The rain just remind me of us 3 years ago...
IMYSM <-----to my noob bf..tlg teka apa tok

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