Sunday, October 17, 2010


Look around you, what are people chasing in this world?
Money? Power? Fame? Beauty?
Obviously this is all based on the physical pleasure

I was struck when watching the arrival's video. I really like it when the creator of this video says this:

You are created as a soul and placed into this physical body. Your body is just "the tool". A tool which should be guided into investing and feeding the soul. But what do we do? We dedicate all our lives to feed "the tool" with physical and worldly pleasures, instead.

Have you ever laughed so hard till your stomach hurts and in the end you just feel empty inside?
Have you been to a club and partied so hard but when you got home, you found yourself crying on the bathroom floor?
Do you really think liquor, drugs and smokes can really put your worries behind?

Death is very near to us and this world is just a temporary place for us to feed our soul for eternal life in the hereafter. MasyaAllah..

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