Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Think before naming your child!

I've been following this blog for quite some time and i'm grateful that the baby is healthy =) I followed all the post on the difficulty of giving birth to that baby and there was one point where i actually cried. It was very moving and i admire the mother for being so strong going through all that. After reading her blog, it made me want to name my daughter as Rania which means kesukaan dan kesenangan. Nowadays, people tend to give names to their child that sound cool and chic til they forget that it is very important for us muslims to give not only beautiful but the the most important thing is the meaning behind the name.

One of the very first duties you have toward your new child, besides physical care and love, is to give your child a meaningful Muslim name.

These are some of the forbidden names in Islam and the Prophet Muhammad pbuh ordered them to change during his lifetime.

•Names That Connote Idolatry
It is forbidden for Muslims to give their children names that have idolatrous meanings
Abdul-Shams ("Servant of the Sun") or Abdul-Nabi ("Servant of the Prophet").

•Names That Are Befitting of God Alone
It would be arrogant and idolatrous for a human being to be given one of Allah's Names
Malik Al-Mulk ("The King of Kings") or Al-Khaliq ("The Creator").

•Names of Tyrants 
It is disliked for Muslims to use the names of historical figures or famous people who were idolaters or tyrants, Pharoah or Abu Jahl.

•Names With Bad Meanings
Muslims should not give their children names with disliked meanings, such as Hazn ("Rugged") or Harb ("War").


MasyaAllah, my name is not in any of those category. I owe this to all of my family members =)

Afina = Orang yang memaafkan

Sofia = Mempesona

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