Tuesday, October 19, 2010


In three hours, i'm going to sit for my second test for highway. It was supposed to be a close book test but thanx to my collegues, it became an open book paper. So here i am, blogging coz i know the paper is not going to be from the notes and we have to dig through our head during the paper later.

It's week thirteen and i feel like buying a ticket and just run to a remote island where people can't find me. It would be super nice if i can go to perhentian again or maybe this time to kk and enjoy the beach. *hint* but then, i wouldn't know what to wear..

Here are the list that i have to do for today:

submit 2 assignment for engineering and society - i'm done with one only!
Try out the bridge assignment using LUSAS bridge analysis
write 4 bloody paper on the 2011 budget!!
learn how to use ENVI4.7


on top of that, i'm going to receive a take home test for traffic analysis at the end of the day. i feel like screaminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggg and this weekeend, i have to attend finishing school! It's a two day course on brushing our skills to score some job interview when we get out from here. i know it's good and i have to thank my uni for that but why must it be on the day before the bf's bday!!!! !#@@!%$%$#@

okay enough of cursing...i hope u have better life than me..

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