Friday, February 11, 2011


It's been a few days since we have a descent conversation and i'm sooooo sorry syg. I've been super busy and stress lately. Thank you for being understanding and very supportive. If org lain mmg lamak "dah lama kne sepak" other words "sepak palak ko". It's amazing how positive and happy i can be after the massage. I sleep better now eventhough i still have trouble with sleeping but when i finally zzZZzzzz, i don't wake up every hour or my leg x da penyakit baby parkinson agik.

Alhamdullilah today has been great so far. I woke up late today (5 solid hours of sleep =)) and i went to class 45 mins late. ok that is not the great part! but this is, eventhough i'm late i still can catch up with the lecture and i was very attentive. It's amazing how much concentration i have in the class. I did not yawn or day dreaming AT ALL and that is AMAZING.

Tonight, i had a meeting with my collegues(policy class) and it went great. Everyone was so into it and i have to say that this has got to be one of the best discussions i had as a student here. There was a lot of laughter and the best thing is we achived the goals that we wanted to do. meaning to say bukan borak kosong.

you must be wondering why i byk cakap lepeh in this post. Well it's simply because i want to strip off the racism in myself. Let's start embracing the differences that we have around us. If you really think about it, that's what makes life interesting. If everyone acts the same way, eat the same thing, speak the same language then we would be like robots and that is going be bleargh don't you think?

So i suggest all of you to change your mindset and start embracing your surroundings. It will make your life less stressful! If all else fail, then go to a massage parlour so that you can get a happy pill just like me.

smiles everyone...

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