Thursday, December 30, 2010

A song that speaks true to my heart

Sara Bareilles - King of Anything

Keep drinkin' coffee
Stare me down across the table
While I look outside

So many things I'd say if only I were able
But I just keep quiet
And count the cars that pass by

You've got opinions, man
We're all entitled to 'em
But I never asked

So let me thank you for time
And try to not waste any more of mine
Get out of here fast
I hate to break it to you babe
But I'm not drowning
There's no one here to save

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything

So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything
You sound so innocent
All full of good intent
You swear you know best
But you expect me to
Jump up on board with you
Ride off into your dellusional sunset

I'm not the one who's lost
With no direction oh
But you won't ever see

You're so busy makin' maps
With my name on them in all caps
You got the talkin' down just not the listening

And who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything

So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

All my life
I've tried
To make everybody happy while I
Just hurt
And hide
Waitin' for someone to tell me it's my turn
To decide

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything

So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

Who cares if you disagree
You are not me
Who made you king of anything

So you dare tell me who to be
Who died
And made you king of anything

Let me hold your crown, babe

Friends that made my day =)

It's been tiring this few days but nevertheless i had so much fun. This holiday is one of the best holiday i had, spending time with good friends and being silly is just wonderful. I had a second breakdown on the wedding about two nights ago, it's actually more like tears of relieved but i still cried my hearts out like there's no tomorrow.

So the update for the wedding for now are:
My room will be decided entirely by my mom (but i'll tell her what i want and don't want in my room)
The venue of the akad nikah depends on their preferences.

The reason i did that is because i am not going to be in kch the whole time and it is very expensive if i want to commute between kch and kl regularly so i think it will make everyone's life easy if they do it however way they want to. At least it would be less arguements and breakdown. (i hope) If you think that i'd be sad because what if my room turn into a disaster, you don't have to fret much because i am more looking forward to decorate my own house. In fact, i already found a nice ceiling lamp at tun jugah and i am going to buy it tomorrow for my future home. I know it's a bit too early but i'll start buying bit by bit so that i won't feel the burden to buy a lot of stuff later on.
nice kannn
It is pretty cheap and there was actually one more that is nice but the bf wants me to buy only one. I can be a bit greedy sometimes. Thank god i have the fiance to remind me to not being one.

And now...let the pic describe  how the rest of my day has been so far =)

celebrate mira's birthday =)
(less than 3 bebeh)

she received a lot of pressie that's the thought that count bah...( self defense mode=P )

i heart books babe and this is such a STEALLLLLLL!

meet my bestfriend, ms star..kidding =P

ms cheryl =)

Trying to be twin but FAILED!

still fail!

playing dress up

There's more but it's in ira's  and jamie's camera..i'll update again tomorrow yea. Tonight's plan would be having  beef satay at koperkasa with none other than ira =)

Monday, December 27, 2010

Will i ever be a good cook?

i'm gonna cook kailan goreng belacan n i followed this recipe. Hopefully it'll taste like the one i always have in kl. Later on, i'm gonna meet up with Cheryl to celebrate her birthday but i haven't got her anything yet. dang!

Tomorrow i'll have a date with mira and maybe we can zumba before we leave?? hahah mok juak~~

I love the bf very much. He has been very supportive throughout the preparation of the wedding. Just bear with me dear..hihi.

i hate making decisions

i just had the first break down a couple of minutes ago. It was over the colour of my pelamin coz i ain't got any clue what colour do i want for my wedding. Thank god the bf was there to keep me sane and at the end of my break down, i felt kinda dumb because my wedding dress has nothing to do with the colour of my room since i'm gonna wear a gown instead of the traditional attire. pfft

tomorrow, i'm going out on my own to do some research...

nite2 folks..

Sunday, December 26, 2010

wedding preparation- episode 1

It's not going be fine..EVERYTHING'S going to be fine. i keep on chanting those words since forever. this post is going to be rojak because that is how the state of my mind is at the moment. saya sangat pening dan risau dan nervous dan rasa ingin menghentak kepala ke dinding. omg! i knew all along that it's going to be a lot of work and things that i need to take care of but i never thought that everything needs my attention at one time. Byk benda saya perlu fikir dan bapa saya ingin jawapan secara cepat kalau dapat. (my dad wants the answer ASAP!) okay my BM SUCKS..screw you!

Here are the things that needs my attention:

1. Pintu
2. Bed+dressing table+side tables
3. Work station for my room (table+chair)
4. Reading corner (standing lamp and nice single seated sofa)
5. Mirror
7. Wedding dress
8. Invitation cards

As you can see, my top priority is ze DOOR instead of my wedding dress. I know it's weird and i can say that i haven't seen any bride to care about their door more than their wedding dress but that is what i have to do because the high minister wants to know what type of door do i want if i'm going to change it. So today, i'll be going to the hardware store to find the perfect door for my room.

Anyone wants to be my driver? just give me a call aite..

I've been in kuching for about a week already and i'm already feeling like i'm living in a bubble. There are so many things that i am not puas hati about and below are some of them.

I am SO FRUSTRATED with the shops in kuching! i have so many great ideas on what type of bed and side tables that i want but NOTHING came anywhere close. Everything is so typical and the same! It's like they came from the same factory but only have different names. I mean what's up with SWAROVSKI(i don't even care if i spell it wrongly!) people! Are you guys trying to be hugh heffner?? When i went to lorenzo, my jaw DROPPED when i look at those hidious beds. It looked cheap and FUGLY..period! please pray that i'll find a shop that won't sell those stereotypical stuff.*finger crossed*


Monday, December 20, 2010

Why men don't understand women

It sucks that the opposite sex always assume that the planning part depends entirely on us, women and when we get to the part where we want everything to be completely PERFECT, they will start thinking that we have become a twisted queen control madam and wish we can be simple minded n just go with the flow.

FYI it takes hell a lot of time and energy to plan on an event, what else to say the big day. So yes, we want it to be as perfect as possible so that it's worth all the time, energy and not forgetting money wasted. And yes we do look on the details and if something insignificant like pls fill in the blanks guys means that the world is going to end  real soon and i will sulk for maybe 10 mins? Tell me what's wrong with that. If you want us to be more sane and less uptight, why don't you try to switch places with us for a day. Go on decide on the theme, colour, arrangement and what not but this does not mean that you get to choose whatever that you have in your plate. Instead try to make it meaningful and memorable. HELL-O you wouldn't want to treat the big day like any other day right?? If your answer is yes then you can go to hell because you don't worth to be anyone's husband  in other words, good luck with finding a women to be your wife.

ps: this post has nothing to do with my future to be husband and me. He helped me a lot in the preparations. It's just a reminder for all the dudes who just don't give a damn to the wedding but still wants to get married. pfft!

i love you so so much syg!

I've been doing A LOT of research on my new bedroom and FINALLY i have found the concept and features that i love the most plus the best part is the high ministers did not complain much about it. Alhamdulillah. All i have to do now is to go out and look for the stuff that I need for my new room =) i hope they do have it in kuching. InsyaAllah..

Sunday, December 19, 2010

it's the final countdown

i'm home and i'm looking for ideas for my new bedroom =)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Alhamdullilah i finally got my exam result and i did pretty well. I can't believe i survived it. The schedule was hectic and my exam week was like a nightmare tp dengan berkat doa and usaha, i survived! Alhamdulillah..InsyaAllah I will work harder next semester. I just called daddy and i told him what i got and i can hear from his voice that he's happy =)

update on ze day:
The date and place in confirmed. Now, all i need is idea for ze day.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

i feel like a rockstar!

My life is so packed right now and i feel sooOOooo bad for delaying my project. Mira, i'm very sorryyy but i will work my ass off and get it done ASAP! promise!

The bf picked me up around 1pm and all of us (the in laws + bf +I) went to watch Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra at KLCC and this is the first time i watch a real orchestra playing right in front of me and all i have to say is it was BEAUTIFUL.

Then, the bf+siblings and I went back home to perform asar prayer and then we went out again to Indah parade to shop for gundam.

The in laws has been busy buying stuff for the house and fixing the lights and what not, and honestly, i'm begining to like the house. I used to be afraid of going there because the place is quite dodgy but after we've cleared and cleaned the whole place, it was actually ain't that bad after all. Now i'm starting to imagine painting the house and making it more presentable =)

On my previous post about me not going back was not true after fact, i'm coming back at the end of the week! Ira called this morning and told me that she's coming back in 10 days so i booked my ticket straight away =) i can't wait to see her!

Next up:
tomorrow: auto show at pwtc, ice skating in sunway and maybe midvalley after that.
monday: fashion show =) i can't wait to see hana tajima's collection!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

pls mark your calender for me =)

i am lost in the track of time and i was suprised to find out that tomorrow is going to be friday! One week passed without me realizing it. I am here to announce that i am not going back for the holiday because life is way more interesting here than back project progress is super slow (i have no one else to blame than myself..pfftt!!).

This is what i have been up to for the past couple of days:

tuesday: date with my other half =) and something else is going on in kch that i can't mention here. (hint: pakkepakkeboomboomboom)

wednesday: get to know on how to use ENVI4.7 and wash my car with mira =)
ps: do remind me to post some pics on this because i sooooo want to remember this moment when i'm out. It was so much fun!

today: pick up the in laws, running some errands with them, go to the ikea for the 163128792146x this month! finally dinner at padang with none other than my beautiful in laws+bf!

There's another thing that i loveeee doing this week. ZUMBA!!! i can honestly feel the difference in just 3 days. Go check it out!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

diet+working out = new hobby

i never have any problem with my weight growing up as a child and i was completely comfortable being in my skin but when i hit 20, everything change.

All of that is going to change now so that i can look good for the big day =) *uber excited*

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A simple twist in the end

Alhamdulillah..we've covered pretty much all our area for the project so it's worth all the trouble that we have to go through while doing it. As we all know(i think), i have this fear of crossing a road. So it is so unlikely of me to stand in the middle of a BUSY let me repeat BUSY t-junction just to get the coordinate of a point. But that's what i did! I guess i'd do anything for my project.

After wrapping up on the project, i went back rushing to get ready to meet the bf. It's been quite some time since we last met so last night we did some catching up and we discussed about the big day!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

FYP: Day 1

Today i spend the whole day under the scorching sun and now my feet are bbq-ed and i can basically serve it on the table for you to eat. Now it's aching so bad so tonight i am going to dive in the pantry room(store)  to search for my shoe. I cannot do that to my feet EVER AGAIN! Hopefully tomorrow will be the last day for the field work.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Update: Part 1

i've been M.I.A lately and the bf has been asking for my update..

As you can see, we barely see each other nowadays due to our hectic schedule. Him=work+frens+sleep+more work and Me= driver+babysitter+wedding+HIGH food consumption(i know u're not gonna like this..ahhah)+shopping assistant.

So he uses my blog to get updates from me. Sorry syg for not replying your texts, u know i suck at that but you know i think of you the whole time. Even if i don't, people around me will find a way for me to think about u. (get back to me if you don't get this part)..hihi..

okay enough of that..let's start with my update. It's all going to be in pictures coz i'm too lazy to type it out and it is way more  fun looking at pictures rather than reading my rantings.

sending my favourite person back to kch

Another favourite person went back!

This is how we show our affection =)

i guess this is the first part of my update. i don't have any photos on the weddings and family so i'll put that in the second part.

Off to shower then meeting for my project. Omg i'm so nervous! i hope no one kill me for putting my project on hold for so long.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

To all my sisters

I just wanna share this beautiful poems to all of you..

Woman was made from the rib of man,

She was not created from his head to top him,
Nor from his feet to be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him,
From beneath his aim to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him.

ps: this is taken from a youtube video

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Never give up even if the world is falling upon u

i can't wait for tomorrow! This whole nightmare will be least for now. I have 3 papers in 2 days and the crap thing is today, the econ's paper is going to be at 5-7pm. and tomorow the super friggin hard paper which is none other than design is gonna be at 8.30AM! and i only have half an hour in between before my next paper,  traffic engineering.

ok..calm down...stop panting...everything's gonna be fine...

I am so grateful for having 5-times-a-day prayer because in that moment, everything around me just stop for a while. I'll stop my head from thinking about the formula, facts and what not. It's like being in a capsule for 5 minutes. It never fails to freshen up my mind, soul and not forgetting body (bontot ku skt, tgn ku lemah due to the long hours of writing last minute notes).

If u have doubts and worries, try praying. It worked for me so it might work for u too =) InsyaAllah..

Monday, November 8, 2010

Exam mode is ON!

Today was the first paper and alhamdulillah i did ok, i think. i was praying hard moments before entering the exam hall coz i was physically shaking while waiting to go inside. i can see everyone was trying hard to memorize facts and formula and all i can do is look at them. When i look at my notes, it all look blablablabala so i decided to chuck it in my beg and just pray.

Miracles do happen coz as i step inside the hall, all the jitters just stop and i just smile calmly to everyone and pray hard some more before i start the paper. For the first time, i did not get panic attack sitting finance paper. I hope the same thing happen to me tomorrow for bridge design paper!InsyaAllah..

Yesterday i finally found my fashion icon for someone who is all covered and that is none other than hana tajima! i am ubersuperduper happy when my roomie told me about her. I don't really have the same taste as her but at least i have someone that can inspire me =)

i'm super broke...AGAIN!

that's all from me for now...oh yea..the bf is in singapore for a few days..i miss him like til tit bits..

Friday, October 29, 2010

i'm feeling so lazy

i woke up at 6.30am in the morning and was planning to do my work after subuh prayer but i FAIL! Instead, i read blogs and watch tonnes of videos in youtube.

It's been 4 hours and this is what i have done so far;

lots and lots of photoshop video. you guys should totally check the video they did on an old lady! it made me wanna learn how to use photoshop (yes..i do not know how to use that software)
lauren conrad
the hills

i''ll just take my shower and hopefully after that i'll have the drive to do work!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

i look like shit!

I think i'm going crazy sooon!!!! OMG IT IS SO FRIGGING HARD TO FOCUS ON TWO DIFFERENT THING AT ONE TIME! I have to do the calculation for different load cases for my bridge project and FYP at the same time!!!!! Can someone just kill me now. plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss

i can't wait for sunday. I wanna go to the beach and just chill and forget about my work. By then, hopefully everything is DONE! No more project, no more assignment and no more FYP for now.

Ya Allah
Tabahkanlah hati hamba mu ini..

off to menjadi pandai!

I'll be missing you

I broke into tears while listening to this

Every step I take, every move I make
Every single day, every time I pray
Ill be missing you
Thinking of the day, when you went away
What a life to take, what a bond to break
Ill be missing you

On that morning
When this life is over
I know
I'll see your face

Cant wait till that day, when I see your face again
I can't wait till that day, when I see your face again...

Nek&Aunt...i miss u ;(

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

i actually thought it's the weekend!

From the title it is obvious that i thought today is saturday instead of wednesday. There is so many things that has been happening in this few days and there's going to be so many more to come. In a way, i am very psyched about my deadlines coz it keeps me going but sometimes it can be a bit too much for me.

 Like yesterday, i almost cried in my IT lab after reading the comments given by my supervisor on my thesis. I was actually frustrated to myself for not doing a good job plus all the silly mistakes i did in my thesis. But then again, it's only my first draft and my title is NOT EASY! so of course i don't get it right the first time. After a while, i regain my composition and i take it as a chance to refine my work and make it better. Yes, i was totally embarrased for  thinking that we're using LIDAR data and not worldview2 data but hey, it's better to know now rather than during my FINAL PRESENTATION right??? whatever it is, i'll get it done soon.

Another set of list i need to do for this week;
budget analysis
bridge calculation on HA and HB loading(bridge project)
borehole data analysis (highway project)
ammend thesis chapter 1-3 (pronto!)

i guess that's it before my final. wish me luck peeps!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

to infinity and beyond

FINISHING SCHOOL IS OVERRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! now i can graduate with flying colours

Now i really need to get my game going. So my goals for tonight are:
  • finish up the last part of fyp
  • start doing the traffic take home test
  • omigodddd the budget essay
  • preparation for syg's bday.
Yes all of that in one night. I am going to be SUPERWOMAN tonight. i'm already feeling a little heroic now. daaaaaaaa

off to menjadi pandai..

Saturday, October 23, 2010

i'm single but not available

i wrote some really personal stuff before but i guess i should just keep it personal. No good will come out of it. i feel so alone. No family, no friends and no bf.

family: drama
friends: so frigging far ;(

i wanna go to my cave and i wan no one to enter it.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A message to YOU

i am the kind of person who just keep things on my own. Yes i know i do talk A LOT but most of it is about every day crap. In a way, i can call myself a private person because i choose people who i would open up too and i only tell a portion of it to them. The rest i would either keep it to myself or tell my other half, who else if not sepul. I can never ever trust anyone else except him. I have faced all kind of betrayal and two face people(u know who u are). I was so mad at that time and i wish i could just run them over with my car til they die. Little that i know, i should be thankful to have this kind of people in my life because they have made me stronger and wayyyy better person than before. So when i'm in a big drama or dilemma. i can just nonchalantly be blunt about it. So here i am, being blunt to you.

You couldn't stand your own attitude for just two days. Imagine how i put up with you this whole time. Not only me, i bet everyone around u feels that way. You need a serious attitude adjustment.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


In three hours, i'm going to sit for my second test for highway. It was supposed to be a close book test but thanx to my collegues, it became an open book paper. So here i am, blogging coz i know the paper is not going to be from the notes and we have to dig through our head during the paper later.

It's week thirteen and i feel like buying a ticket and just run to a remote island where people can't find me. It would be super nice if i can go to perhentian again or maybe this time to kk and enjoy the beach. *hint* but then, i wouldn't know what to wear..

Here are the list that i have to do for today:

submit 2 assignment for engineering and society - i'm done with one only!
Try out the bridge assignment using LUSAS bridge analysis
write 4 bloody paper on the 2011 budget!!
learn how to use ENVI4.7


on top of that, i'm going to receive a take home test for traffic analysis at the end of the day. i feel like screaminnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggggggggggggg and this weekeend, i have to attend finishing school! It's a two day course on brushing our skills to score some job interview when we get out from here. i know it's good and i have to thank my uni for that but why must it be on the day before the bf's bday!!!! !#@@!%$%$#@

okay enough of cursing...i hope u have better life than me..

Monday, October 18, 2010

Someone that is always close to my heart =)

Just when i thought that my world is crushing down, my day turn into a new leaf with just a phone call =) Ira called and i am super duper duper super super HAPPY! OMG I MISS HER SOOOOO MUCHHHHH..eventhough we're thousand miles apart, our bond is tight like sister! our friendship goes all the way back from primary school, primary 5 to be exact because we were sooo into westlife..haha..but when we were in primary 6, our friendship was a bit rough and i became super close with my "group makan di tiang bendera depan class 1 merah". (CJ, val, ruth, bigail, manda, sonia, carissa, kim)

 Then, highschool came and we became close again till i moved to another school. At first, i didn't want to go but after knowing that she's gonna leave for japan at the end of the year, i don't really see a point why i should stay at the school. Since then, we're still close and will update each other every few months through phone. After a few years in japan, she moved to NZ and yet we still update each other regardless on the distance.

Every 2-3 years, she'll come back to kuching for a few months but sad for her coz she'll always have to wait for me to return home from kl as my sem break is different from hers. When we're in kch, the one thing that we do best is EATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT. We'll go out and EAT or cook at home and then EAT. Watch movies and EAT...go to our aunt's place and EAT some more.

OMG I MISS EATING DIM SUM AT SPRING and be super loud at the restaurant because we'll laugh just about anything.

i miss you best friend and i hope to see you around soon!

i wanted to make an ayu face for u but FAIL!

so i'll just settle with this pic

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Look around you, what are people chasing in this world?
Money? Power? Fame? Beauty?
Obviously this is all based on the physical pleasure

I was struck when watching the arrival's video. I really like it when the creator of this video says this:

You are created as a soul and placed into this physical body. Your body is just "the tool". A tool which should be guided into investing and feeding the soul. But what do we do? We dedicate all our lives to feed "the tool" with physical and worldly pleasures, instead.

Have you ever laughed so hard till your stomach hurts and in the end you just feel empty inside?
Have you been to a club and partied so hard but when you got home, you found yourself crying on the bathroom floor?
Do you really think liquor, drugs and smokes can really put your worries behind?

Death is very near to us and this world is just a temporary place for us to feed our soul for eternal life in the hereafter. MasyaAllah..

Don't give up even if u feel like jumping off a building

it's 3am and i'm FINALLY done with the literature review

i'm tired -_-
i'm still gonna watch the last 20 mins of grey's anatomy. Work hard, play harder..hihi

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I'm 22 and in a few months i'm gonna be 23. i've given up a lot of things and the only thing i'm looking forward now is to be married to the fiance. i felt like my whole life is about making other people happy so now it's time for me to do something that makes me happy which is building a life with the fiance.

It's sad that i don't have a say in my own wedding. To avoid any confrontation, i have to keep my mouth shut and just follow what they have planned for me. i don't even think i can decide my own clothes. The fiance keep telling me that i can always pitch in ideas with the wedding (his side) and that is the only thing that keep me sane at the moment.

All i want is an islamic wedding but due to our stupid culture, i can't do it because that is not in the norms of our culture.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Think before naming your child!

I've been following this blog for quite some time and i'm grateful that the baby is healthy =) I followed all the post on the difficulty of giving birth to that baby and there was one point where i actually cried. It was very moving and i admire the mother for being so strong going through all that. After reading her blog, it made me want to name my daughter as Rania which means kesukaan dan kesenangan. Nowadays, people tend to give names to their child that sound cool and chic til they forget that it is very important for us muslims to give not only beautiful but the the most important thing is the meaning behind the name.

One of the very first duties you have toward your new child, besides physical care and love, is to give your child a meaningful Muslim name.

These are some of the forbidden names in Islam and the Prophet Muhammad pbuh ordered them to change during his lifetime.

•Names That Connote Idolatry
It is forbidden for Muslims to give their children names that have idolatrous meanings
Abdul-Shams ("Servant of the Sun") or Abdul-Nabi ("Servant of the Prophet").

•Names That Are Befitting of God Alone
It would be arrogant and idolatrous for a human being to be given one of Allah's Names
Malik Al-Mulk ("The King of Kings") or Al-Khaliq ("The Creator").

•Names of Tyrants 
It is disliked for Muslims to use the names of historical figures or famous people who were idolaters or tyrants, Pharoah or Abu Jahl.

•Names With Bad Meanings
Muslims should not give their children names with disliked meanings, such as Hazn ("Rugged") or Harb ("War").


MasyaAllah, my name is not in any of those category. I owe this to all of my family members =)

Afina = Orang yang memaafkan

Sofia = Mempesona

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Diriku sentiasa menunggu mu..cliche~

i am so happy to be back. it's work time!

Monday, September 20, 2010

my back hurts like hell! i don't know what cause it but it started this morning after holding erica. Just pray that it's gonna be ok by tomorrow.

my flight is retime to 11.05am! super happy! let's hope that everything will go smoothly. amin

i can't wait for tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

pink is my name

I like lazing around with my jammy. There's a lot of things to be done but i'm just lazyyyy. Today is my last day in kch and i am uber excited to go back!

See u tomorrow syg

i'm loving my nail =)
what should i wear tomorrow..hmm

Saturday, September 18, 2010

if u're a racist, don't read this

I'm not trying to stir any racist issue here but i'm just gonna say things that i feel so fuck off. If you're those typical over bearing sensitive on racist stuff, stop reading! But if u decide to continue reading then i guess u can keep your comments to your own.

i am so fucking annoyed to some of my acquaintance. You know why? In fb, they put their STATUS, COMMENTS, CAPTION AND ALL THAT BULLSHIT IN ENGLISH. Usually, i wouldn't have any problems but towards this people i do feel like that every time i come across their name in the news feed. In the outside world of fb, the only language that they will speak towards each other is THEIR NATIVE LANGUAGE SO WHY THE FUCK WOULD THEY CHANGE THAT IN FB??

In the real world, they are so fucking over themselves. They only want to be in their clique, speak their own language, look down upon others and stuff like that and this whole thing about 1 malaysia thing people keep crapping about is making us more divided. I'm so sick and tired being the middle person between these two races. Just because i come from sarawak and i mix with EVERYONE REGARDLESS THEIR ETHNIC doesn't mean i'll be the spokeperson to either one of you. Let me just take this phrase from my friend's status that is mind boggling to me.

Sabah has 39 ethnic groups and Sarawak has 25 — that’s 64 ethnic groups living in one place. If these 64 groups can live in harmony, why can’t the three dominant groups in West Malaysia live happily together

the countdown starts now

everyone is complaining how they hate packing and leave their loved once and so forth. I AM SUPER EXCITED OF GOING BACK. yes there i've said it "back". life is not going to be easy when i get back because test weeks are coming up and presentation for my FYP is on friday plus not forgetting the long dreaded assignment that i haven't touch but at least i have a life over there rather than sitting on the couch in front of the tv flipping through the boring channels here and plus running here and there attending events and  running errands. i havent had a break, not even a single day and i am soooo tired. i hope tomorrow would be the day that i can wear my jammies whole day and be a pig.

the bf is most probably gonna pick me up at the airport=) another reason to look forward to go back!!! now i have to think what outfit should i wear and also the make up. must utilize all the knowledge i got from utube.

off to my dream land. night2

i sooooo wanna go to GLAMINAR!!!

i can't believe i can watch utube for 8 hours straight!

i just need some motivation

Believe it or not, i'm youtube-ing on study tips, presentation skills and how to travel light. I know it's random..

Friday, September 17, 2010

i sooo wanna go back soon

i just had a weirdest n believable dream. Someone is trying to put a spell on me to find out some truth for me and i was so fucking pissed because she can just asked me without having to cast a spell. I really cna feel something is happening to my body in that dream. Finally she got the truth that she wanted and then left. When i wake up, i have no more doubts and regrets on the things that has happened. It's so funny how a dream can affect u but then again, it's just a dream.

good news~~ the bf is coming back sooner than expected which is on monday instead of wednesday and i'll be going back on tuesday. sik sabar mok blttttttt! The best news ever for the day!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Random as always

i miss the feeling of wanting to learn smth during my industrial training. Now that the classes started, everything becomes blearghhh again.

Give me guidance!

bila la keja ku tok mok siap

pyah's open house
mine's mkn nujuh
dinner with the big family

Open house

gne aku nak molah assignment tok???? dah lah sik da pendrive! how am i gonna print my BS. SHITEE!!

why o why ipod 4G blom sampei malaysia!!!!! i want it today!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

It might turn a new leaf

We just had a talk on performing umrah after i finish my degree. Let's just hope nya jadi. insyaAllah..

I am sooooOOOooo going to miss this moment where the 3 of us (mom, dad n I) ate piostachio and talk for hours about their childhood. I can say that my parents is one of the best couples in the world and I respect their compassion, loyalty and patience towards each other. Despite of the lack of affection they try to potray, deep down inside we all know we love each other. (ayat tok mcm pelik tp what the heck)

The preparation for the open house on friday is gonna start tomorrow. I am super excited about it because i am going to make laksa sarawak for 30 ppl. I've never cook that much. If u wanna taste it, come to my house after sembahyang jumaat til 6pm =) Everyone is welcome tp mun datang aher sik sure lah msh ada ka sik. I've been a bit blueee this raya since the bf is not here plus the loss on my loved once but hopefully the mood is going to change if my laksa is successful. amin

ps: as u can see, i haven't upload any raya photo of me in fb or blog. It's simply because i did not take much. I'm just sad and blueeeeee

Monday, September 13, 2010


My cousin n aunty said that i look like Yuki Kato, an actress in the sinetron Primata Cantik. I honestly dont think i look like her at all..

She is wayyy pretty to be compared with me plus she's only 12!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I am over raya!

I don't feel like celebrating Hari Raya. Honestly, i don't see a point of this festival. I mean what's all the crap with the raya song! sikkan u happy when ramadhan is over?? urgh..It's just so tiring celebrating this day. Cleaning every single thing, prepare the food and clean the house again and make it presentable to everyone. serious sik suka mcm taik! maybe if i have a family and my own house i might like it but then again so much $$$$ is spend on unnecessary stuff. shit lah

Tonight, i had the dinner at Merdeka Palace with the whole big family. If u ask my HONEST opinion, i would say THERE'S NO NEED OF HAVING A FAMILY GATHERING AT SOME LUSH HOTEL ESPECIALLY DURING RAYA because you have it everyday during the open house. plus the activity is very mundane(it's similar to last yr at damai) and the food sucks! I didn't try all the food but the main course sucks ie: sotong sumbat, sweet and sour fish, etc...

the only thing that i would give my credits is the door gift. The mugs and plates were great. At least there is something to remember of the event. Nevertheless the event was quite dissapointing. The idea of having the family tree book  is brilliant but the information in there is not accurate. It stated that i am married to MOHD SEPULIWAN who was born on 20.10.86!! hello~~~ i'm still single okay....ok hypothetically i am engaged to SAIFULIWAN EZZEDIN BIN SININ and he was born on 25.10.86

before the dinner, i helped out at the bf's house because they had open house. So many people came and i feel a bit guilty for not helping out the night before and came early in the morning. I miss the bf so damn much at his house because he's the one who will always check on me and ask "syg ok x?" whenever i'm in the kitchen. Or he'll always tease me and we joke around in the kitchen but things are different today. Everyone keep on saying " o tedah nya org mudanya sik da sitok". plus when wani sent me home with isham, i miss the bf even more seeing how they talk to each other. i miss u syg!!!!

i am counting days to go back to kl and meet the bf. i think i'd better start doing the assignment coz at least la i sik mati gilak when i go back klak. i soooooo want to date with the bf!!!!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

merry raya

i would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone Selamat Hari Raya! Maaf zahir dan batin for all of my wrong doings to everyone. Life's too short to hold grudge to anyone and death can happen at anytime. I'm thinking of texting someone but ppl keep on telling me not too. i know they just care about me and don't want me to get hurt...maybe it's best to keep quite. but whatever it is, i forgive u and i hope u have a happy life.

wah ngantok nya..sok mok g bejarah..nite2

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

i love kandee johnson! ~the make up guru~

i'm sooooo into makeup right now. Well it started a few months ago, i can watch the youtube tutorial for hours learning on applying foundation, bronzer n natural skin care. I love the dramatic eyeshadow with false eye lashes. super HOT! i'm thinking of having extravaganza make up for my final year dinner. honestly, i don't really care about what others would think coz i'd still do it if i want to but of coz i need to learn how to do it first.

i'm thinking of buying chanel or mac eyeliner. Which do u think is better?

Monday, September 6, 2010

3rd day =)

cheryl just went back and it's almost 1am.

Another happy day for me. This morning i went to the library with mira til 3.30pm. Then, after otak sudah menjadi tepu, we were planning to go to town and hunt for shoes tp due to some reason we just went back and i got ready to go break fast with misrul, abg suhairi and abg daud at top spot. We were supposed to go to the seafood near pending area but it was closed. Over there i met kerel and my cousin with his family. The food was so~so and sangat sedih coz x pat makan ikan 3 rasa di pending! serious sedih!!! but the kerang masak kicap was MAGNIFICENT if only they can add some more chilli then it'll be PERFECT to my taste bud.

When i got back, i was greeted with my sulky niece. She was being moody coz i wasn't at home the whole day to play with her at the playhouse. Super cute when she merajuk! About half an hour later, cheryl surprised me with her visit. We were supposed to go out around 9pm tp blm confirm gik. We went to the bing in town and the cake suck big time! seriously..THE CAKE TASTE LIKE PLASTIC!!!! but the vanilla ice blended was awesome.

My phone keep dying and stress gila ku k hp tok. i need to buy those cheap phone so that aku boleh tikam rah dinding mun nya datang paloi. geram !#@$#@$#@ with the phone. Susah gila mok reply msg org especially the bf in SA. i miss u syg seriously. honestly i'm not looking forward at all for the raya. Dahlah my baju mcm coi dipolah oleh tailor. mok blt kl cepat2 n date dgn syg!!!!! klak blh mkn siang hari =))) n mok hunt for the new ipod. There i've said it. i want ipod. woot2..*uber excited*

Sunday, September 5, 2010

break fast at the in laws =)


Today i had my break fast at the bf's house. The food was good as usual and of course the ambience is very welcoming. I can say that everyone misses the bf and feel quite empty on this raya. They kept on saying thing like "boh nangis fina, oo tedah nya jauh" and i'll be pretending like i'm crying. The whole process of cooking, setting up the dinner and during the dinner was a lot of fun. Everyone was so cool and laid back and i compared with our feast on the day before, the mood was bad becoz people are being so nagging! It's a different story at his house, we just make jokes throughout the night and it made me feel like i'm not an outsider. I loveeeee my in laws =)

I'm gonna be a NERD in kch for the first time! I'm going to the state library to get some books and get my assignment going. hopefully i can learn something tomorrow.

i miss u syg! sik sabar mok balit kl and c u at the airport! mek sik sabar mok hunt for my present!!!!! it got me excited til 4.30am! i love u syg!!!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Honey, i"m home~~

i'm home =) it's so good to be home. i feel so grateful whenever i'm back and it's because of so many reasons.

At home
i can cook and put the leftovers in the fridge.
i can go to the toilet anytime i want because i have my own toilet.
I have aircond and water heater!

At the college
i have to wobble all my food or else it'll end up in the bin and if i wanna cook, i have to buy all those spices which I only use once or twice!
i wouldn't dare to go to the toilet at 3am!
My room is always HOT and the water is soooo freazing cold in the morning
i only have pics of ERIKA

Nevertheless, being in kch without the bf still don't feel the same. i miss u syg!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


we're cool now =)

kmk syg ktk gilak2!

I'm full of remorse =(

i feel like a failure...

the bf is mad at me coz i came back late. we're thousand miles away and it's really hard to communicate. my tears just couldn't stop falling right now and i really don't know what to do. i know it's my fault but i have no other choice. i'm running out of time to buy the stuff for my family and the things are not at one place. The cheapest place is only open at 10pm so what can i do. Should i buy the expensive one and ended up with not enough money to buy everything else or should i go to the cheaper place? Tell me what to do.

What done is done so let's just pray that he'll cool down and at least have the decency to understand what i'm going through. i'm tired and tomorrow is going to be a long day.

People say that it's very important to be honest with each other in a relationship but everytime i'm telling the truth and try to be honest, i feel like i'm trapping myself.

Being in long distance relationship is hard core. is it going to be easier in marriage?? Pls do tell me coz i really have no clue.

Monday, August 30, 2010

A very weird dream

i had the weirdest dream, it's engineering related. I was in a building that is still in construction and i was with this 2 fellow. Both are guys and both are idiots, they're some sort of my superiors. There were some problems at the site and we were all in a huge mess and this 2 fellow make bad decisions one after another. What i can remember is the first guy went to the upper flow and threw some box to the lower floor to support some of the members of the building. He did that because the other guy removed some of the supporting steel frame at the upper floor and the stupid thing was he tried to remove an I beam with his force. like i said just now, it was a WEIRD DREAM. There i was yelling at them to stop doing all of that because the building might collapse. Earlier on, there were a lot of 12m steel I beam collapse due to the improper connection or something.

Finally they came to me and both were scared like hell and suddenly we can feel the building is imbalance. At first i was screaming at both of them for being stupid and then i decided to evacuate from the building before it collapse. Then i went to my mistress home to get some clothes change (YES I'M A DUDE IN THIS DREAM!) and went straight back home to meet my wife and have dinner with her family. During the dinner, there were a large KABOOOMMMM and the story went to the news. I got a text from those idiots saying that they should take the blame for everything because i'm still young and new to this field and there's more that i can achieve.

if they are so experienced, why are they so dumb?

i just want to clear some things out

sometimes i'm full of angst and sometimes i'm full of love. i'm a very unpredictable person that can love you and hate you all at the same time. i may look cold to some people and they might think that i am unapproachable but once i get to know u, you'll know that i am exuberant and definitely LOUD. Through out my life, i've met all sorts of people. Some are loyal and can be trusted and some are full of shit. I'm grateful to Allah for everything that had happened to me in this life, be it whether good or bad. I know i complain a lot and you can read it from my blog but i usually update whenever i'm feeling bitter because i feel like i can express my feelings in my blog and there's no one to judge. Well i know there's someone out there reading my blog but stillll it's not like you can say least not anymore.

During my teenage years, i feel like i know everything. i feel like i've gone through a lot and there's nothing that can break me because i'm tough. Even if i'm not, i'll act like one. But now at the age of 22 and soon to be the wife of the fiance (insyaAllah), i know that i still have long way to go. There's still so many things to achieve in this life as well as the afterlife. I hope that i can be a good wife and a good mother to my children.

I know there's people out there whose trying to make my life miserable (u know who u are and i know u're reading my blog). My words may be unkind but i don't think i can take it back because i can never see you the same like before even if i want to. Things are different now and i hope you can respect that. It's better that we live in our separate life and i want you to be happy and i'll pray for your success in your future undertaking. I might smile or say hi to you if we meet at the street but if you ignore it, then i'll take it as it is. Always know that our memories will never be forgotten until the day I die. As for now, we have to live the path that we've chosen.

OK enough with the melodramatic moment...

off to watch merlin season 2 =)

i miss you syg. sik sbr mok skype-ing with you!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

sleepy sleepy me

i felt tired the moment i wake up. i feel tired all the time and i get tired easily nowadays. is this the signs of me aging??OH NO!

today i slept most of the time in class and i think my economy lecturer knows me very well by now. the student that always sleep in class. it's not like i purposely sleep during her lecture. i just couldn't stand the long hours listening. i thought i was bad enough when i slept 1 hour and 40 mins in my two hours traffic analysis lecture. was even worst. i felt sleepy after 8 bloody minutes listening to the lecture. dah lah i dtg half an hour late as usual. yarabiiiiiii...i can sleep even when i din lean on the chair. i can just be static sitting in the FIRST ROW! once in a while i'll wake up and try to listen but a few seconds later i'll be in my dreamland again.

suddenly she gave us a quiz becoz she sees many of us are either sleeping or doing some other work (mind you, we are civil engineering studenst so this is something that u can expect to happen when we go to economy class). buttttt miraculously i can anwer all of the questions. i did get some help from mira for the last part and guess what? she sleeps tooo in the class, well she was sitting next to me. we were being so jolly happy and everyone else copied our answer sheet. well the lecturer didn't mind cause she just wanted us to wake up from our sleep.

i miss the bf like crazy!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

This is how i feel right now

"When You're Gone"

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now 

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do 
When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now
We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were,
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Engineering versus management

Something that i came across when i was doing some research on my assignment.

A man in a hot air balloon realized he was lost. He reduced altitude and spotted a woman below. He descended a bit more and shouted,

"Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am." The woman below replied, "You're in a hot air balloon hovering approximately 30 feet above the ground. You're between 40 and 41 degrees north latitude and between 59 and 60 degrees west longitude."

"You must be an engineer," said the balloonist.

 "I am," replied the woman, "How did you know?"

"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is, technically correct, but I've no idea what to make of your information, and the fact is I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help at all. If anything, you've delayed my trip."

The woman below responded, "You must be in Management."

 "I am," replied the balloonist, "but how did you know?"

"Well," said the woman, "you don't know where you are or where you're going. You have risen to where you are due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise which you've no idea how to keep, and you expect people beneath you to solve your problems. The fact is you are in exactly the same position you were
in before we met, but now, somehow, it's my fault."

i miss you love

Tell me how to not miss someone so much? i miss the bf like heaps.

the bf =)

Friday, August 20, 2010

mommy rocks!

mommy just told me something about someone..hahah can't wait to go back and hear the whole story. one thing i love about my family is no matter how twisted things can be sometimes, we will always have each other's back during the hard times and support each other till the end. love ya til tit bits..

there's going to be Hassan Manan's family gathering again this raya but this time it's going to be on the 3rd day of raya. That's the only thing i know as i am not involve in anything. i hope it's going to be as much fun like last time. *finger crossed*

ps: next weekend make yourself free for me coz we're going shopping and yes we'll be going to sg wang and times square too and i'll be your shop assistant for the day =D dgn syarat cia mek makan..hahahha..

pls take care of yourself for me...

The bf just left to south africa =( i was trying to be cool for the past 2 weeks but i broke down last night and again this morning. i'm still not use to him leaving me every few months. Although this time he'll just be away for a month but stilllllll raya without him is going to be different and this time i'm coming back for 2 bloody weeks. There's not going to be any food scavenging with him at the bazaar, baby sitting erika and house visiting with him.


ok think least u wont be a boring couple who meets up every day and do everything together and ended up having nothing to talk about anymore because u see him EVERYDAY rite??? plus u'll get more present from him =) ok...*positive mode*

class trip =D

This is the longgg overdueeee pictures taken during our class bbq at port dickson. This whole thing was donee way beforeee my hectic week. Just let the picture speaks for itself. Enjoy~

bbq team~~

game time!

second game! AEIOU

this is what happen when u get caught!

jolly happy me =D

my classmates =)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

why do u have to leave?

i just sat the last paper for this week. i can't believed i survived this torturous week. Having 6 papers is not an easy job. Now i have tonnes of clothes to fold, books and papers everywhere but i think i'm just gonna sleep and leave all of it untouched. i'm too tired to even move(ok fine i'm exaggerating).

i'm gonna meet up with the bf soon =)

Monday, August 16, 2010

gue rindu sama loh!

i wonder when will this pain go away..

Sunday, August 15, 2010

douche on the net

i'm done with my first paper and as usual, i have the insecurity inside me whether i did well or not.

anywhooss...i checked my email and i got a few msgs from the people of this certain website. there was a long story on why i joined the website. The thing is these people text me and tell me how interesting my profile is and they want to get to know me and stuff but all i have on my profile is my fake name and there's ntg else. oh fake age and location but that's it. so what is so interesting about my profile? what i'm trying to say here is be careful on the infomation that you're going to give to the strangers on the net. i find so many of my peers are giving their numbers or even their address to the people that they barely know. i mean c'monnn..are you THAT DESPERATE??

This is some of the abstract

2010 Jul 22 21:59
hey there. i'm just wondering. how do u find my profile to be so cute? because i have nothing on my profile except for my name. care to explain?

2010 Jul 24 07:49
Thanks for your mail, am glad to hear from will very nice we to start communicating and know what our heavenly father have for us in future for his glory. I will like you to introduce yourself to me and your email address so we can chat with you online through yahoo messenger. I will like this to based in truth and fear of God, may you be blessed. I'm a new person in this site but i know here are so many good things God have special for us in future . Please tell me more about yourself ?, I will do the same , you sound so great in your profile I'm interesting. feel free to email me , you can also drop your email address, I hope to hear from you soon. God bless and have a nice day. Thanks

Friday, August 13, 2010

i miss you MAY N PRITTI!!!

i was supposed to be doing my engineering and society assignment but i ended up reading ALL the post from my dear friend, May aka SAPO. i miss her and also pritti so much! it's been so long since the last time i see both of you. Well they were supposed to come this week but there were so many things that need to be done and i can't just leap out and forget about it. how i wish i could just forget about the work and make plans with you both. it's sad how i can't find any pics of us back then. well, back then i wasn't wearing any hijab so it's not like i can't post the pics right?

you're leaving soon =(

i'm feeling a tad sick last night but after drowning myself into different type of stuffs i can find from the pharmacy, now i'm feeling much better. well it's not 100% ok but at least i can still wake up for my sahur. speaking of which, i better perform my subuh prayer now before it's too late..

i can't wait to see you =D

Thursday, August 12, 2010

3rd Ramadhan =)

i get to meet the bf last night =D

wish me luck for the LI presentation at 9am. oh yea..we're doing the site survey today!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

save me

it's 10pm and i'm having dinner while chatting with my groupmate on the proposal for our project. i'm quite worried that i cannot cope up with my work load. since it's only the 5th week of my semester and my work is piling up like the mount kinabalu so imagine how's it gonna be by the end of the semester...sigh

yeay it's ramadhan =)


i'm so tired and it's only 8.22pm. Today is such a long day and there are tonnes of work to do.

wednesday: meeting up with "the team"...haha that's what dr. helmi calls it
friday: submit proposal for highway project and industrial training presentation and site survey.

next week
monday: design 2 test, submit engineering society assignment
wednesday: economy and finance test. FYI this is two diff subject.
Friday: Highway test

i should have gone crazy by now but i'm actually having fun. For instance today, i went out for two hours between my break and i bought one nice shirt plus i get to meet the bf =D i teman him shopped with the little brothers.

okay off to shower and dinner. hopefully later on i'll finish up some of the work...


Monday, August 9, 2010

i miss the bf

12.30am- finally went to bed
2.30am: Frigging fire drill
4.30am: Trying to force myself to sleep AGAIN
8.10am: Had a panic attack because design class starts at 8am and the lecturer just gave me a comment when I came in late for 10 minutes yesterday!
And now I’m in the IT room because I THOUGHT I HAVE CLASS AT BRIDGE DESIGN CLASS AT 10AM rupa2nya I read my timetable wrongly!!!
But on the brighter side, I managed to do one of my procrastinated works. Two thumbs up ;)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

hatred moments

i feel like i'm never good enough for u. i know i have my tantrum but that doesn't mean that i don't love u. well, i hate that part about myself but i can't do anything about it. If there is anger management program, i would go. sometimes i feel like it's better for u to find someone else someone better than me. i know i always say that and it might come true, who knows. Just for the record, i would let u go if u can be happy with whoever that person is.

and to YOU
stop making me feel like an IDIOT. i am not your punching bag. if i lose my temper, trust me you will pray that u never know me. i will stranggle you with my bare hand. so stop calling or coming to me and treat me like a trash. the more i see your face the more i feel like kicking your tiny ass. so fuck off

oi babi babi sekalian....iboh kaco aku ari tok

Out of all people, i expect you would understand. You were once in my place. i'm so fucking tired fighting with you and that's why i always give up. call me a quiter coz i guess that's what i am. why can't u be supportive and understanding?! is that too much to ask?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

my new love =)

I finally got my new laptop today. Well, i actually got it yesteday but there was something wrong with the keyboard and i have to drive all the way to low yatt again to replace that laptop with a new one ! but it's worth the trouble and now i'm soooOOooo in love with my new laptop.

off to shower..i'll post some the pic we took today in the next post =)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

i'm on redbull

It's 4.30am and i'm still up. Well, i've decided not to sleep coz my class starts at 8am and i need to submit one assignment.

off to do my report..haiz

Monday, July 19, 2010

what have u done so far?

MANUSIA MUDAH LUPA. There i've said it. I admit that i am one of them. Lately, i've been too busy about my work and my life here on earth til i forget what's more important which is the AFTERLIFE.
i'm gonna pretend that everything's okay and smack a huge fake smile on my face. life must go on, i must say.

Al Fatihah
Mohd Jeremy

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

i'm a final year student!

i've settled down and it took me 4 bloody days! syukur alhamdulillah i've fully recovered =) I went to PK accompanied by jamie on monday and found out that i had gastric and a few other stuff. so rupa2nya the stomach pain that i felt for the past couple of days was caused by gastric.

class has started and i skip a few classes the first two days cause my life was super hectic. i had to unpack all my stuffs plus start doing my report and not forgetting classes starts at 8 every morning.Today is the 4th day and i think it's gonna be better though i slept at 1.30am n woke up around 5am for sahur. yes sahur which means i tengah ganti posa.


Friday, July 9, 2010

I'm coming back tomorrow syg

Tomorrow is gonna be sunday and i'm still not feeling well. I still feel like vomiting and diarrhea once in a while. My report is no where complete and i have a lot of unfinished business to deal with.

Things to do:
  1. Hantar baju raya to tailor
  2. Meet up with the bf's mother
  3. Meet up with the durian pringles aka cheryl
  4. Go to the office to ask for the signature and pass the evaluation form
  5. Beli bj ya =)
bah off to sleep and cirit birit...toodles~

geram nya hatiku

Mun ko dah sik pat mok idup glamourous then stop acting like you have 1 million in your bank account. oh wait..i don't think 1 million is enough. It is so annoying to meet people like this. Acting like they are super rich sedangkan hutang keliling pinggang. i wouldn't give a shit if manusia2 macam tok sik ngaco hidup aku but when they do...OMIGOD rs mok langgar jak k tower crane(shut up syg!). it is so freaking kesian how these people have the heart to borrow money from other people yang mmg hidup susah. and when they got the money what do they do? ENJOY, MKN ANGIN, SHOPPING AND BERLAGAK KAYA. bodo nak mampus manusia mcm tok. ko ingat bapak aku apa?! ATM?????but no worries..having a mother like mommy, they wouldn't dare appear in front of our door step. BODOH! i wouldn't mind if they borrow/sedekah the money to the people who are really in need and org ya akan jadi berguna tp mun dgn manusia nok species mcm tok...bgs ku berik duit ya k beli makanan k org utan di matang wildlife centre. at least nya sik BERLAGAK KAYA N SOMBONG!

This is a lesson for all of us yang belum start berfamily and berhutang keliling pinggang. Mun ada hutang nok sikit2 ya, tolong lah bayar. Even if it's only rm1, cause that value might means a lot to other people. like for me, it would mean TRUSTWORTHY. and to manusia2 mcm tok especially la dgn org2 kaum aku tok, tolong lah iboh nak berlagak sombong. waima ko makei gucci ka, pucci ka, CD, PRADA n etc, mun dah hutang keliling pinggang sik juak guna. mun ada duit ya diam2 jak lah..klak kenak rompak bok tak org tauk.

dah..end of story

later2 lah i tell u about the rest of my trip. I'm home btw =)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 3

i feel like vomiting the whole day. i had a slight fever during the visit to aunt amnah's place and it got worse in the afternoon. During the visits, all i can think of is what time are we leaving. I couldn't stand the aircond at their houses. It was horrible because the houses were so cold and the outside weather is super hot.

anyway, we had lunch at some place that sell local food which is ambuyat. unfortunately, i don't feel well and i don't really like the taste of it so i ate roasted chicken rice instead. Then we went to nazmi collection to buy some clothes for the bf and his mom but i ended up buying another one for myself..heheh...i was supposed to go out later in the afternoon but i really am not feeling well. Tonight, we're gonna have dinner at abg tai's place but i feel like not going coz i don't feel that good and tomorrow i'm driving back to miri. oh my..

till then...i'll update some more later tonight ok syg..

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 1&2 in brunei =)

Updates for u love..

meet my grandson, ashraf and erika (left)

erika was wearing mommy's tudung coz it was drizzling after our dinner at some seafood area. yes love..seafood more craving for chinese seafood after this is kl. yeay!

aisyah ( granddaughter), me, mommy and erika

played congkak with mamak (nini/nenek) this afternoon. she beats me and i look like crap in the end..hahha

meet baby aydin (9 months old) . real name? malek aydin iskandar...panjang oo. btw bok bangun tdo. aydin is super sporting and sik mileh..super cute i tell u. mcm anak tibet pun ada juak..eheheh..he weighs 9.3 kg and erika is around 10+kg...apuuu

nok bulat ya is my niece as well, nasya. Her name is taken from nasya aziz becoz my cousin minat nya gilak2. you can see, mamak is looking happy beating me in congkak. -_-

cute ooo

another photo of aydin =)

i'm actually confuse with the pronunciation of his name because some call him aidin, ayden, ayyydin. so i guess i'll just call him ayyydin coz that's how his name is spelled. mamak called him sekanda...lawak eh..hahha

i miss u love!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Bringing back the feeling you've learned to forget

One thing i learned from my practical is to be humble. This is what all the fresh grad need to think about. It doesn't mean that when you get a degree, you are better than the indon workers. There's actually a thing or two that you can learn from them and in return, you can teach them something too. I've learned so many valuable lesson not only on the structural part but most of all the life valuable lesson. I am surely gonna miss working there despite of all the drama happened. mind you..LOTS OF DRAMA~~

oh gosh. i miss working already. The launching was successful and the food was tasty.I've said my farewells to almost everyone, i wish i can say to everyone but most of them are busy with the launching...hmm

monyet2 + prof sam

muka boring denga speech

Please find someone else who can put up with your ditching over and over again. It's too late for you to realize about this whole friendship thing. The boat has sailed long time ago. good bye

Friday, July 2, 2010

i miss u love

finally the day has come and today is my last day of industrial training. It was supposed to be yesterday but today, my company is having a launching on 5S. So i'll just join them until noon.

one step closer in seeing you =)

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Mr X called to the office and suddenly i can feel my nerve system go HAYWIRE. The last time he called was to complain how bad my training has been so far. "you seemed so relax and up until now i don't see anything coming from u". At that exact moment, i feel like i'm in a time capsule because i just can't seem to find a time when i'm acting like that! serious rasa SIAL. rupa2nya someone had came up with a rumour and complain it to him. tp sik pa..coz now she's paying for what she did. due to her BIG MOUTH, everyone hates her..karma's a bitch =) anyway, mr. x was actually asking about something else and it ended up ok until i open my big mouth and talked about what happened before(ms aku terbebek when he gave that statement). it was hell a good feeling because i defended myself and tell him what i have been doing so far.

There's a hugeeeee office drama going on and i am apart of it but the table has turned and i am not the victim..teehee=) nevertheless, office drama sucks.

Tomorrow i'm going out with some friends for lunch at buntal =)

to abg daud and maybe abg suhairi(x sure ad fb tak..hehe):
if you're reading this..thanx for the lunch=)  sedap giler ikan tuuuuu

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

the countdown begins =D

my body temperature keep rising. bila la mok jadi completely healthy tok...

today, i did one of the impossible things which is trying to find the element of the cube test result. blur?? ok let me explain. When we order concrete, you will get these details;
  • DO number
  • casting date
  • number of cubes sample(for test cube) which include the reference number
  • batching list
  • element to be casted(eg: column, slab or beams)
  • etc..
These whole thing will be attached with the request inspection form(RFI) butttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt all i have is the cube test result and i need to find the ELEMENT! the only info i have is the casting date. NANG RASA MOK GILA AKU CARIK TAUK SIKKKKKKKKK.

This is how my table looks like!

Terus jadi gila afterwards~